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For all registered accounts, in the console - “subordinate management”, you can see the unique promotion code and promotion progress.
Cloud server new purchase (7%)-renewal (3%)-upgrade (3%)
Service New Purchase(7%)-Renewal(0%)-Upgrade(0%)
Valid period of rebate right: 180 days (within 180 days after user registration)
This income data is snapshot in real time on August 18, 2022. We will dynamically adjust the income ratio and cycle, and the adjustment will not affect the promotion that has already occurred.
Our company will analyze the promotion data for a long time, and for orders determined to be cheating, the benefits will be cancelled. For merchants who have cheated more than 3 times, the promotion right will be cancelled. (Please do not promote yourself, our company will review for a long time)
For merchants with professional standards and intentions to cooperate with our company, our company provides customized revenue algorithm services, and can provide multi-place employment visas around the world (currently: Tokyo planning: San Jose, London).
Before communicating “deepening cooperation”, please ensure that your promotion data reaches the professional level in your mind. Send an email to [email protected] for further communication.
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